Disney Winnie the Pooh
Based on Disney's film Winnie the Pooh, this Birde Tap & Play Book includes thrilling sound effects and original voices from the movie!
While searching for honey, Pooh and his friends embark on an adventure to find Eeyore’s missing tail and rescue Christopher Robin from an unknown monster called ‘The Backson’. Their adventure takes some hilarious twists and turns!
Our Tap & Play Books help your little ones to learn to enjoy reading independently. Simply tap this book against your Birde Player and the story comes to life!
Note: This Tap & Play Book does not include a Birde Seed. There will be a Birde logo on the back cover which, when tapped against the Birde Player, will start the story.
Audio Track Listing
Track | Run Time |
Disney - Winnie the Pooh | 12 minutes 46 seconds |
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