Sesame Street - Sing the Alphabet

Sale price$17.95

From the gang at Sesame Street, ‘Sing The Alphabet’ is a fun, educational album for children to learn the alphabet. There is a song for each letter of the alphabet, allowing children to become comfortable and familiar with the whole alphabet. Featuring all your favourite Sesame Street characters, this 27 track album will have pre-schoolers learning all about the alphabet while having fun.

Running time approximately 45 minutes.

Audio Track Listing


Run Time

1. ABC-DEF-GHI 1 minutes 46 seconds
2. A - The Sound Of The Letter A 2 minutes 37 seconds
3. B - Oscar's B Sandwhich 1 minutes 4 seconds
4. C - C Is For Cookie 1 minutes 29 seconds
5. D - Dee Dee Dee 1 minutes 55 seconds
6. E - What's My Letter 1 minutes 41 seconds
7. F - Four Furry Friends 1 minutes 59 seconds
8. G - Two G Sounds 1 minutes 59 seconds
9. H - Ha Ha Ha 1 minutes 47 seconds
10. I - I Stand Up Straight And Tall 1 minutes 19 seconds
11. J - J Friends 1 minutes 50 seconds
12. K - Herb's Silly Poem 1 minutes 2 seconds
13. L - La La La 1 minutes 53 seconds
14. M - MMM Monster Meal 1 minutes 18 seconds
15. N - The Noodle Story 1 minutes 34 seconds
16. O - Would You Like To Buy An O 1 minutes 52 seconds
17. P - My Favourite Letter P 1 minutes 29 seconds
18. Q - The Question Song 2 minutes 14 seconds
19. R - The R Machine  1 minutes 15 seconds
20. S - Sammy The Snake 2 minutes 4 seconds
21. T - The Tale Of Tom Tattertall Tuttletut 1 minutes 45 seconds
22. U - U Lecture 1 minutes 43 seconds
23. V - Very, Very Special Letter 1 minutes 35 seconds
24. W - The National Association Of W Lovers 2 minutes 2 seconds
25. X - X Marks The Spot 1 minutes 17 seconds
26. Y - Just Because (Letter Y) 1 minutes 35 seconds
27. Z - Zizzy Zoomers 1 minutes 19 seconds